Bipolar Weather

As we make our way through our first winter on the farm, it’s always interesting to think about what it was like when we didn’t have to waddle through frozen mud, or stand chatting with our awesome friend and farrier and suddenly watch a pipe burst because it went from -10 to 45 degrees in 24 hours. As many things as anyone who lives on a farm can find to roll their eyes about in winter, I have to say that this one is VASTLY improved having our horses at home – and in a nice, warm barn where I can tuck them in at night!

There is something unexplainably nice when you pop in the barn for night check, and everyone is happy and sleepy and warm; not a luxury my horses and I have always had. There were many nights over the years when I couldn’t sleep because I was wondering who was bickering over the run in, and if they could get to hay, and was their water frozen despite all efforts?

I think anyone who lives on a farm knows that winter is tough. Really, really tough. But I am very grateful for having the herd in our back yard now, where I don’t have to worry so much. And, most of all, a partner who is slugging it out in the cold with me! That even makes it fun. 🙂

We enjoyed spending our latest snow day with our horses (and thank goodness for the ability to work from home, too 😉 ). But even more exciting?? I’ve also begun work on Figment’s 2019 show schedule! We may be surviving winter just fine, but spring really IS just around the corner!